Happy Equinox!
At this Libra Equinox a KITE pattern forms around us, with Neptune at the apex, at the midpoint of Uranus and Pluto opposite the Sun. This power packed configuration between Neptune, Pluto and Uranus returns mid 2025 with Pluto in Aquarius, Neptune in Aries and Uranus in Gemini . We are on the brink of great shifts and changing tides that are inevitable.
As the Sun moves on to zero degrees Libra it symbolizes a moment of balance, marking a shift into the reflective, relationship-oriented energy of Libra and at this particular equinox i the powerful kite pattern, with Neptune in Pisces at the apex, brings an ethereal quality to this alignment, urging a deep connection to intuition and dreams and not giving up on our ideals. Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus form harmonious aspects to Neptune, suggesting a transformative force, grounded in radical change and empowerment.
The Sun Neptune connection, this time an opposition, heralds the signature of Equinoxes and Solstices to come in 2025, as Neptune hovers at the end of Pisces and at the zero degree of Aries, an ongoing challenge for clarity, yet an opening of doors to profound spiritual insights, urging surrender to greater, collective wisdom.
Keep your eyes on the future and never give up hope for better ways ahead.
Aren’t we glad we have astrology to connect us to the bigger picture! Wishing you the best for the next cosmic turning points.
Tune into C*I*A’s Equinox update - Full video update with the Agents -
At this Equinox you can a receive 20% off a C*I*A Memberships only $12usd per month, includes access to our webinar archives(120 plus) , plus 20 new webinars per year. Many great topics and astrology techniques covered from our expert astrologers and guides.
Listen in to the Podcast about the Planets designed for Melbourne Astrology Walk launched last week in Melbourne, yet designed to listen to from anywhere in the world - with astrologers : Jessica Adams, Israel Ajose, Ana Isabel, Natalie Delahaye, Debbie Frank, Stephanie Johnson, Julija Simas, Zane Stein and Penny Thornton.
Astrology is a blessing